For manuscript preparation please use the attached Word template or LaTeX template.
Manuscript types:
- invited reviews presenting the state-of-the-art knowledge,
- specialized topics at the forefront of optoelectronics or photonics and their applications,
- referred research contributions reporting original scientific or technological achievements,
- conference papers printed either in (Virtual) Opto-Electron. Rev. Special Issue, serving as Conference Proceedings, or in regular issues as ‘invited’ or ‘contributed papers’.
Authors of review papers are encouraged to write of relevance to a wide readership including both those established in this field of research and non-specialists working in related areas.
The papers considered as “letters “ (short, less 3000 words including references, notes, captions) are not published in Opto-Electron. Rev.
Manuscript Submission Policy
Manuscripts submitted for publication should be original. Manuscripts published or under consideration for publication elsewhere should not be submitted and will not be considered. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.
However, manuscripts based on
papers published at related conferences and workshops proceedings may be submitted for consideration providing that:
(1) papers are not identical (similarity index must be below 20%),
(2) authors cite their earlier conference paper on which this new work is based,
(3) journal publication includes clearly shown novel elements (e.g., more comprehensive experiments).
Manuscript submission for review
Opto- Electron. Rev. currently employs a web-based manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system called Editorial System. Authors
should submit their manuscript electronically to the site:
From this entry page, access can be obtained to all information required for the submission of a manuscript. First‐time users must create an Author’s account to obtain a user ID and password required to enter the system. All manuscripts receive individual identification codes that should be used in any correspondence with regard to the publication process. For the authors already registered in the Editorial System it is enough to enter their username and password to log in as author (Sign in).
Author(s) will be notified about registration and manuscript review process by e-mail.
The manuscripts must be uploaded as Word documents (DOCX) formatted according to the template guidelines. Other formats as RTF or ODT are also acceptable. In addition to submitting figures within your final manuscript,
figures should be submitted individually, separate from the manuscript.
If you experience difficulties with the manuscript submission website, please contact Editorial Office of the
Opto-Electron. Rev. ( All authors of the manuscript are responsible for its content; they should have agreed to its publication and have given the corresponding author the authority to act on their behalf in all matters pertaining to publication. The Corresponding Author is responsible for informing the co-authors of the manuscript status throughout submission, review, and production process.
All submitted papers are checked using iThenticate plagiarism detection software.
Manuscript preparation
- Manuscript should be written in a clear and concise British English.
- For manuscript preparation please use the attached Word template or LaTeX template.
- Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style, if possible.
Manuscript decision and Proofs
Manuscript evaluations are assigned with one of four outcomes:
Minor Revision,
Major Revision, and
Reject. Manuscripts with "Minor Revision" do not require a second review. All manuscripts receiving a "Major Revision" evaluation must be subjected to a second review. Rejected manuscripts are given no further consideration. Normally, manuscripts that receive a "Major Revision" decision have only one additional chance for revision and the revised version should be uploaded to the Editorial System within
30 days. If the author(s) failed to make satisfactory changes, the manuscript is rejected. On acceptance, manuscripts are subject to editorial amendment to suit house style.
Transfer of Copyright Agreement (TCA)
Once the paper is initially accepted (all the technical Opto-Electron. Rev. requirements are met), the authors are assumed to transfer the copyright of the paper to the publisher (Open access licence CC BY-SA 4.0). Please fill out the attached Form, sign, and add to the final version of the manuscript as separate .pdf file.
It is also available on the site:
Proofs will be sent to the author (first named author if no corresponding author is identified for multi-authored papers) and should be returned
within 48 hours upon receipt.
Fees for printing the article
The Opto-Electronics Review (Opto-Electron. Rev.) is published in
Open Access which means that
all papers are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication
free of charge for the readers. By submitting a paper for publication, authors declare that they are ready to cover the fee of printing their paper. Payments are required after final acceptance of the article, before printing. In exchange for the printing fee, the PDF file of the published paper will be available at the Open Access Platform: (due January 2020).
National (foreign) authors:
- The flat fee of 2000 PLN (500 EUR) per paper up to 8 pages of the journal format;
Mandatory over-length charges of 200 PLN (50 EUR) per page in case the paper exceeds 8 double-column pages
- Articles submitted by June 30th, 2024: existing fee: 1750 PLN (or 400 EUR)
- Articles submitted from July 1st, 2024: new fee 2000 PLN (or 500 EUR) - a flat fee per paper up to 8 pages of the journal format (each additional page will be charged an additional 200 PLN or 50 EUR).
Exempt from the fee are:
- Authors of articles ordered by the Editorial Board (Invited papers)
50% fee discount for:
- Reviewers (who performed at least 5 reviews per year) – one paper per year
- Guest Editors (the discount is valid only within the special section guest-edited by the author)
Bank transfer details:
- Beneficiary:
Polish Academy of Sciences
pl. Defilad 1
00-901 Warszawa, Poland
- Bank name:
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Al. Jerozolimskie 7
00-955 Warszawa, Poland
Account number (IBAN): PL76113010170020146294200001
- Transfer title: Opto-Electronics Review, manuscript number, corresponding author name
Information needed for Proforma Invoice
- Author’s/Authors’ Last name(s), Name(s), e-mail
- Title of the paper
- Exact name of the payer (person / institution or other legal entity realizing the transfer)
- Address of the payer
- Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, in Polish NIP) – only when paid by an institution or another legal entity!
Check list for final submission to the Opto-Electron. Rev. (after review)
- Is your manuscript up to date? Have you included references which were published while your manuscript was being processed? It is expected that at least 20% of references are to journal papers published in the last two years. Authors are welcome to consider reference papers published in the Opto-Electron. Rev. In order to find the recent Opto-Electron. Rev. papers please visit Open Access platform: (available from January 2020)
- Is your title adequate and is your abstract correctly written? In the age of electronic publications it is not easy to be noticed! Authors have to do everything possible so the paper will be seen and read. Therefore, very careful wording should be used in the title and in the abstract. Without a proper, interesting title and abstract a great paper might never be downloaded from the platform and read.
- Does the manuscript clearly describe problem(s) and your accomplishments? Can your manuscript be shortened? Are there sentences or paragraphs not providing important information and can be eliminated?
- Is the length of your manuscript adequate? Please notice that for long papers, you may face mandatory fee over length charges per page.
- Please make sure that the fee for printing your manuscript is paid.